Large Haulout and hardstand

In the marine industry experience counts

Kopu Marine, being a division of Kopu Engineering, is a Kopu (Thames) based company with over 40 years of engineering experience. We have hauled out and worked on hundreds of boats, mainly larger vessels, up to 100 ton.

Marine Haulouts

Situated at Kopu, we can offer haulouts for larger vessels who have in the past had to travel elsewhere.


Our engineers have years of experience in all areas of engineering - We have welders, machinists, fitters, engineers, we also draw and design using CAD & 3D modelling.


We coordinate work with local contractors that specialise in various fields, be it marine engines, painting, electrical or cabinetry

Professional haul out and repair expertise

Based at 53 Kopu Rd Thames, we provide excellent hardstand facilities. We can cater for both swift turnarounds and extended storage needs.

Experienced haulout operators along with our skilled staff of engineering and welding experts

A variety of services to meet your project’s needs

We have dedication to providing outstanding customer service and quality.